If your commute routinely includes Hollywood Road in Baroda and Oronoko Townships, here’s a heads up that might save you some time and grief over the next couple of days.
The Berrien County Road Department will launch a road repair project early tomorrow morning, Tuesday, December 29th that will likely take until Wednesday afternoon, depending on the pace of the work and weather conditions at the site.
The department plans to replace a crosstube located on Hollywood Road between Linco Road and Hinchman Road beginning at 7:30 am tomorrow morning. The schedule suggests the project should be completed by Wednesday, December 30th at 3:30pm, weather and pacing permitting.
Department officials say that the project will extend the life and operation of the Town Corner Drain, noting that crosstube replacement will provide structural stability to the road and assure safety to the traveling public.
There will be some traffic restrictions as a result of the project with Hollywood Road slated to be closed to thru traffic where the culvert replacement and associated work zone is located. Closure will occur both on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, beginning daily at 7:30am and remaining closed until approximately 3:30pm each day. The roadway is anticipated to be reopened overnight to thru traffic, however daytime travelers are urged to seek alternative routes or use the recommended detour route until the work is completed.
The recommended detour route will be Hinchman Road to Lincoln Avenue to Linco Road, as shown in the illustration accompanying this story on Moody on the Market.