Courtney Webb


Courtney Webb
Boys & Girls Clubs of Benton Harbor
What Does Your Company/Organization Do?
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Benton Harbor is a nonprofit after school youth development organization dedicated to aiding the youth in reaching their full potential by providing high-yield learning activities that promote Academic Success, Character & Citizenship & Healthy Lifestyles. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Benton Harbor is more than an organization, it is a family, a refuge for all youth who are in need.

  • 2017- Received a Letter of Commendation from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Benton Harbor’s Board of Directors after aiding the Berrien County Sheriff’s Department in a child kidnapping incident that led to the safe recovery of 2 children.
  • 2018- Launching 600 Safe Street which is a dedicated space within the Boys & Girls Club to aid members with grief, anxiety, anger management and peer pressure through the Be There initiative from the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. 600 Safe Street is a refuge for all members & staff who are in need.

What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40?
I’m not sure what the future holds for me but by 40, I would like to have a family of my own and continue to serve in my community through the Boys & Girls Clubs & church ministries.

  • High School: Benton Harbor High School Class of 2008
  • College: Saint Louis University, B.A. of Sociology.

Benton Harbor, MI
Where were you born?
Benton Harbor, MI
What was your first job?
My junior year of high school I was a part of a group called Varsity Club. All varsity student-athletes were given a summer job. My unit was responsible for painting the walls of the Benton Harbor Area Schools.
Best advice you ever got?
The best advice I ever received was to put my trust in Jesus Christ, focus on the things I can control and leave the rest up to God and always be grateful in every situation.
Who inspires you most?
The two people in this world that inspire me the most are my parents, Phillip & Deborah Webb. They have taught me the true meaning of perseverance, sacrifice & unconditional love. My mom & dad have supported me every step of the way whether it was attending all my basketball games or simply giving me advice when I needed it the most. This October my parents will celebrate 40 years of marital bliss. I’m so thankful for the Godly example they have set. I know I could never repay them but I’ll spend my life trying. I am truly blessed!
That one thing about you we’d be most surprised to learn.
2 things about me you would be most surprised to learn is that, first, I enjoy writing poetry. I’m very reserved with my emotions so poetry helps me clear my thoughts and soothes my soul. Lastly, I tied for second place runner-up for the Michigan Miss Basketball award in 2008.
What do you love to do in your downtime?
In my down time I absolutely love to cuddle up in a blanket & watch movies with family & friends. I love to go to my secret spot on the water to read my Bible plan & write down all my thoughts, feelings & aspirations. I love to spend time with the miniature man of my life, my 3-year old Godson Wesley Charles. We are two peas in a pod, we love going to the beach, eating junk food, playing basketball and jumping on the trampoline. He expands my notion of what it actually means to be patient & taught me to broaden my capacity to love beyond myself.
What book are you reading now?
Right now I’m reading the Charles Stanley Bible plan called “Waiting on God” and “Habits of a Godly Woman” by Joyce Meyer
Volunteer activity you love the most.
I love being a part of my church’s basketball ministry at Napier Parkview Baptist Church. It’s a great way for me to stay in shape, give back to the next generation of student-athletes & most importantly to tell our youth about Jesus Christ. At a young age my parents always taught me that God gave me a gift to be able to play basketball at a high level. Basketball is a platform to win souls to Christ. The basketball ministry allows us to conduct Bible studies, provide free basketball training, mentoring & free meals. Growing up I was blessed with a village of people that held me accountable that had a hand in my development. I just want to be a source of support for our youth.
What motivates you to give back to your community?
As I stated previously, I was so blessed to have a village or network of people such as teachers, coaches, friends, family & church family who made sure I stayed on the straight & narrow. People who helped me to see my potential before I saw it myself. Giving back is, to me, a ministry in itself. It is simply utilizing the gifts God handmade for you to reach out & touch another soul. It is the philosophy of paying it forward, giving back what was given to you.
What Superpower would you most love to have?
The superpower I would most like to have would be Mystique of X-Men. She has the power to shapeshift and assume the powers of whoever she desires. This makes me think of the saying, “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” Her strength lies in her adaptability. A person who embraces change will find a way to succeed.
What has been the most eye-opening thing about the coronavirus pandemic for you, personally?
If there is one thing this pandemic has taught us it’s that everything can be taken away from us in a blink of an eye. Without a warning, without our consent, without remorse of the damage it has caused. The pandemic speaks to the brevity of human life. The Bible speaks about life being a vapor. In other words life is short. People are here today and gone tomorrow. God has given each and every one of us a purpose in this life. I want to reach my full potential & achieve everything I sought out to do.
What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you?
I am truly honored to be recognized among so many amazing professionals. I cannot take credit, I have a great supporting cast in my Boys & Girls Clubs family (I would not be on this list without your dedication & support.), my church family at Napier Baptist Church who offer constant prayer & support, to my wonderful parents Phillip & Deborah Webb who have been my rock every step of the way.  I want to use the light God gave me to inspire the youth in my community. If I can do it, so can you.


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