Cornerstone’s WBC Reprises Popular Blueprint for Success Series This Fall

Anybody who is currently in business or has ever launched a new business learns pretty fast that there is not a whole lot of truth to the theory of “if you build it, they will come.” True enough, some folks are fortunate to get a rapid-fire burst of energy from people eager to sample the new kids on the block, but simply opening your doors and waiting for the surge is hardly a marketing strategy.

For those who would like to learn what it does take to craft a marketing strategy, there’s help. On Saturday, September 29, 2018, the Women’s Business Center (WBC) at Cornerstone Alliance will kick off the first session of one of its most popular workshops, Blueprint for Success: The Fundamentals of Marketing. Led by experienced professionals from local agencies, this four-series workshop is designed to help area small business owners craft a winning marketing strategy to stand out in today’s competitive marketplace.

This series combines the knowledge of marketing fundamentals with hands-on workshops to develop marketing collateral including a logo, website and promotional pieces. Blueprint for Success provides participants with tangible pieces they can utilize right away to leverage their businesses’ competitive advantages.

Margaret Adams is Manager of the Women’s Business Center. She says, “More than 25 local businesses have benefited from this workshop since its inception, and we are pleased to offer it again this fall.” She adds, “The value of this workshop is tremendous; participants have access to professional, local marketing experts for only $250, which in the open market could cost them thousands of dollars. This workshop always fills up quickly, so we urge participants to register right away.”

You may register at the link below. The deadline for registration is September 21, 2018. Here is the link to register to attend:

All classes will be held at the offices of Cornerstone Alliance located at 80 W. Main Street in downtown Benton Harbor.

Blueprint for Success: The Fundamentals of Marketing

The cost is $250 for the entire series of four courses; or $25 for the mandatory introductory class and $75 for each subsequent class. Participants are encouraged to sign up for all four courses to receive the maximum value of the series.

  • Saturday, September 29, 2018: The Fundamentals of Marketing — This course kicks off the Blueprint for Success series. Participants will create a marketing plan framework and a creative brief to use when developing marketing assets for their businesses. This class is mandatory for the subsequent workshops.
  • Saturday, October 6, 2018: Logo Design Workshop — With the guidance and assistance of professional graphic designers, participants will create a company logo for use on their website, social media, signage, communications and other marketing collateral. There are ten available seats for this course.
  • Saturday, October 13, 2018: Website Design Workshop — Participants in this workshop will use a content management website platform to create a basic home page and a landing page with assistance from web designers. During this workshop, participants will receive the skills needed to finish their site independently. There are ten available seats for this course.
  • Saturday, October 20, 2018: Promotional Marketing Workshop — Participants will discover techniques to drive new and repeat business. With support from graphic designers, they will also create two branded marketing assets for use in raising awareness of their products and growing their businesses. There are ten available seats for this course.

For more information on this workshop series, please contact Dubelsa Mata-Garcia at (269) 757-0225 or email her at Registration for this course is required no later than September 21, 2018.

Cornerstone Alliance Small Business Services provides technical, business and financial assistance to small businesses with emphasis on income disadvantaged and women owned businesses. The Women’s Business Center at Cornerstone Alliance and Microloan Program are funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.


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