Cornerstone Chamber Board Votes Opposition to BH Income Tax

Backed by 700 members representing more than 36,000 employees around Michigan’s Great Southwest, the Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has gone on record in opposition to the proposed city income tax being sought by the Benton Harbor City Commission on the November ballot.

The Chamber issued notice this morning that the board has passed a resolution opposing that income tax issue slated to appear on the ballot for the November 7, 2017 elections. The actual board vote was taken five weeks ago but was just released this morning.

Chris Heugel is President of the Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce. He says, “Our members have spoken with a clear voice on this issue and they are scared about the ramifications on their business from this tax that will occur should it pass.” Heugel adds, “Our members drive jobs in this community and they have said that an income tax is detrimental to their operations and hinders their ability to grow and hire more individuals.” Heugel concludes, “Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce members are in full support of the Chamber taking a ‘Vote No’ position.”

Heugel says that Cornerstone Chamber members were surveyed in early August on the proposed income tax. Based upon the survey results and since that time, Chamber members have continued to comment on the negative impact such a tax would have on their operations and may have on the community overall. Many members expressed concern as to how the timing of an income tax could be interpreted as a punishment by those  businesses who have taken a risk to invest their capital in Benton Harbor over the past few years. One Benton Harbor based business owner told the chamber in that survey, “This income tax will greatly hinder economic development in the City. It will be an additional barrier, added to a list of many others, to overcome when trying to attract businesses to the City.”

Heugel says another business owner indicated that they currently have two locations, one in Benton Harbor and should this proposed income tax pass, they will likely consolidate into an outside-the-city location. A business advisor member said, “With proximity to St. Joseph, Stevensville, Coloma, and many more locations, if this tax goes through moving a business will be a viable option.”

Here is the resolution as passed by the Chamber Board:

Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce

Resolution In Opposition to the City of Benton Harbor Income Tax

WHEREAS, The City of Benton Harbor proposes passing a city-wide income tax for Benton

Harbor-based workers and residents; and

WHEREAS, the Chamber announced survey results from a member poll of 700 member

businesses with a 6-question survey on August 23, 2017; and

WHEREAS, the Chamber received responses with a resounding 84% return rate in opposition to

the new tax concluding that this tax would be disadvantageous to the continued business growth

already realized and the potential growth of the City; and

WHEREAS, the membership of the largest business organization has said that any new tax is

detrimental to their operations especially as it relates to the attraction and retention of their


NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce Board of

Directors hereby goes on record in opposition to the said tax.

Adopted on this 19th day of September, 2017.


Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce is a member-driven organization encouraging the growth of business through networking, advocacy, visibility and benefits for all members.


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