Cornerstone Alliance Backs Rep. Andrews Bill to Boost Michigan Data Center Development

Rob Cleveland, President and CEO of Cornerstone Alliance, testified in Lansing Wednesday, during a legislative hearing on the Data Center Bill (HB4906), which is being sponsored by State Representative Joey Andrews (D-St. Joseph).

Cleveland offered his economic development and business insights on the proposed bill’s value in recruiting and developing data centers in Michigan.

“House Bill 4906 has the potential to fundamentally change Michigan’s ability to be the next hub of data center growth,” Cleveland said. “Today, when working to attract data centers, our state is simply uncompetitive compared to other states.

“However, Michigan’s position would improve immediately with the passage of this legislation. Initial sales tax exemptions to data center companies will lead to massive, transformational investment in Michigan, and offer better jobs and wages for southwest Michigan residents.”

Andrews and Cleveland answered questions in a session with State legislators, business leaders, and interested citizens and offered strong supporting economic and technological arguments for the bill’s impacts on Michigan.

“This data center investment could be a much-needed boost for our municipalities, allowing them to invest in schools, roads, and aging infrastructure,” Cleveland said. “Data centers create high-wage careers for young people with a minimal impact on public services. That economic boost also leads to amenities that build a lifestyle attractive to generations of young people.

“Rep. Andrews understands the size and scope of data center possibilities. I’m hopeful the State House and local constituents will rally behind him and support this legislation. It’s crucial to our state’s growth,” Cleveland concluded.


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