City of St. Joseph hosting second wayfinding public hearing

City leaders are making progress on their plan to make it easier for downtown St. Joseph visitors to find the fun stuff.

Currently, there is wayfinding signage in St. Joseph but city officials admit it’s inconsistent and somewhat outdated. The new signage is part of implementing a comprehensive, strategic and uniform approach.

The current effort stems from the 2016 City of St. Joseph Master Plan: “The need to add better wayfinding signage was mentioned throughout the master plan process by city officials and residents. Specific opportunities for additional wayfinding signage include directing vehicles to downtown, public parking, marking preferred bicycle and pedestrian routes, and highlighting historical assets in the community.”

After producing initial design concepts and taking public feedback, the updated design concepts are ready for public viewing. The city will hold a public hearing to showcase the concepts on Tuesday, June 6 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm in the City Commission Chambers at 700 Broad Street in St. Joseph. 

According to the city’s announcement:

In this public input session, Corbin Design will share preliminary design options for the City’s wayfinding
signage and gather feedback from the public. This will reflect feedback from the first input session held
in April. All are invited, previous attendance is not required.

For information relating to this project please visit or call 269-983-5541 x 349 to speak
with Assistant City Manager, Emily Hackworth


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