As a private business or public organization you have to love the math involved in an annual venture that levels the playing field for virtually everyone regardless of size. The Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce Fall Trade Fair is virtually the perfect equalizer inasmuch as everybody pays the same affordable price to exhibit whether they are a mom & pop shop or a Fortune 500 corporation.
Even better is the "price of admission" for the general adult public because it's absolutely free to attend with one's business card.
The 2016 edition of the longest-running business-to-business and business-to-consumer trade showcase in the region has been set for Tuesday, October 11, 2016 in the Grand Upton Hall of the Lake Michigan College Mendel Center for Arts & Technologies.
Showtime will run from 4pm to 7pm at the big event wherein Cornerstone Chamber members display their products and services in a professional trade show setting. Booth space reservations are now being accepted on a first-come, first-reserved basis, and regardless of the size of your business, everybody pays the same rate at $169.00 per booth. On a comparative basis with far and away the majority of trade show opportunities, it is one of the most affordable rates to be found anywhere in the nation.
For the general adult population, the "price" of admission is the deposit of your business card into the reception desk repository, and you will have the opportunity to visit dozens of businesses and organizations in one main venue. Traditionally, nearly 100 businesses have established a presence in the exhibit hall and the show is oftentimes sold out well before the day arrives.
Businesses interested in hosting 30-minute workshops can reserve a time and space during the exposition to offer a deeper dive into the story of their business or to educate future potential clients for a fee of $169, also exclusively on a first come, first served basis.
To register your business for either and/or both marketing opportunities, click the link below for an online registration form, or contact Patricia Muellen at Cornerstone Chamber of Commerce at 269-932-4040.
There will be appetizers and a cash bar, tons of prizes from exhibitors, and more networking than you've ever seen before. While booth spaces can be reserved only by chamber members, attendance at the show is open to both members and the general adult public alike with your business card as the price of admission.
The Cornerstone Chamber Fall Trade Fair is sponsored by Lakeland Health, Lake Michigan College, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Wausau Homes and AB Nutrition Solutions.
Here's the link for booth reservation information online: