Cass County village celebrating its Underground Railroad heritage


A tiny village in Cass County is preparing for an annual celebration of its role in U.S. history as part of the Underground Railroad.

Vandalia once hosted a station of the Underground Railroad, something that’s memorialized with a sign at Milo Barnes Park off M-60.

Village President Beverly Young tells us the village and the Underground Railroad Society of Cass County will host Underground Railroad Days on July 13 and 14 at the park.

“We have a large tent that we put up for the church service, and we have a tent on the Saturday and Sunday that vendors can use it for selling their products,” Young said. “We also have food vendors that come out there. We have five or six this year.”

Young says there will also be tours of the Kentucky Slave Raid of 1847, open houses at three UGRR sites, a Civil War soldier encampment, displays, and music.

New this year in town is a mural depicting the Underground Railroad. It was completed last week by Mural Makers of New Jersey. It’s based on artwork from Vandalia native Diriki Mose that can be seen on banners around town.

“A person fleeing and different people chased by horsemen. So this is our first mural that we have put up and it’s on one of our garages facing  M-60 highway. So, we’re proud of it.”

Young says the artwork was originally done in the 1990s, and now it’s building-sized for all visitors to see.

The Underground Railroad Society of Cass County maintains several sites around Penn Township where the railroad once was located.

Everyone’s welcome to Vandalia for Underground Railroad Days to learn some history between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the 13th and 14th. Young says the town’s 318 residents welcome the visitors from all over for the weekend.

You can learn more right here.


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