Casey Dubina Joins the Moody on the Market 40 Under 40 Class of 2024

Name: Casey Dubina

Company: Lake Michigan College

What Does Your Company/Organization Do? The work we do at Lake Michigan College is best articulated through our mission statement: Together we empower people and communities to thrive through education, innovation, and experiences. We work to provide access to education to give students opportunities to define and accomplish their own educational and career success.

Age: 35

Education: – Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management – University of South Carolina – Master of Arts in Educational Leadership – Higher Education and Student Affairs Western Michigan University

I talk to our students at LMC a lot about what success is to them and how they define it and how it guides them to accomplish things. When I reflect on what success is to me and how I define that, I think most about the relationships and milestones that make up who I am at the core. One of my biggest personal accomplishments thus far has been becoming parents with my husband to our two sweet kids, JJ and Magnolia. Along with that, I am a proud member of Zeta Tau Alpha, a graduate of University of South Carolina, I worked for with the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce/Convention & Visitor’s Bureau where I helped build the Sports Tourism Market in the area and was voted the Young Professional Ambassador of the Year, I completed the M.A. Program in Educational Leadership in Higher Education and Student Affairs at Western Michigan University and was voted the 2018 Recipient of the Paul & Phyllis Griffeth Award for Outstanding Promise as a Student Affairs Professional. I have also had the opportunity to work at Lake Michigan College for the last five years in Student Success Mentoring, Admissions, and Advising & Careers to help our students accomplish their own goals which has been extremely rewarding. Outside of that, I serve as the Member-At-Large for the University of South Carolina’s Young Alumni Council, I am the past Co-Chair of the Directorate Board for the American College Personnel Association’s (ACPA) Commission for Admissions, Orientation, and First-Year Experience, and I am currently serving as the President for our Michigan ACPA Chapter.

What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40? In the next five years I hope to grow as a mother, a partner, and in my leadership role at Lake Michigan College. I hope to start and complete a doctoral program, continue to grow our Advising & Career Services office at LMC, and would like to complete a half marathon.

Current City: South Haven

Place You Were Born: Canton, OH

What was your first job? My first job was picking strawberries at Burfield-Wiseman Farm in my hometown the summer after 6th grade. I was ready to get out and make my own money and at that age I couldn’t work many places so, I picked strawberries early in the morning and even got promoted to the strawberry sorting tent!

What motivates you to give back to your community? I believe whole heartedly that you get out what you put into things. I love to feel part of a community and be part of the process of creating and improving the places I spend my time and money and raise my family in. I love the relationship building and connection that goes into it and am most motivated to give back more to continue building a better community for my kids and family to grow up in.

What Superpower would you most love to have? If I could have any superpower, it would be teleportation. I have so many places I want to go explore and so many people I want to go visit and would love to be able to pop in and out of places whenever I wanted.

What would you like to leave behind as your legacy once you are gone? I hope the thing people most remember me by is how I made them feel. I try to be intentional about celebrating the people I care most about for all their big and little accomplishments and milestones and try to make as many moments as I can into a special memory. I try to use this in my work to create communication, culture, and programs to help students and my colleagues feel appreciated, empowered, and successful in whatever way they measure success.

What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you? I am honored and humbled to be named to this year’s 40 Under 40. Being named to the Class of 2024 has made me sit back and reflect on what I have done and what I have accomplished and has been a great reminder to continue to celebrate the small and large victories as we continue on not just for those around us but for ourselves as well. It is very easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and to feel like you could always be doing more so, this recognition makes all of the rewarding work I have done feel seen and appreciated.


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