Bridgman Gas Station Owner Objecting to Proposed Interstate Gateway District There

The Bridgman Planning Commission will meet this week to discuss creation of an “Interstate Gateway District” to the city through a zoning ordinance amendment, paving the way for a new auto dealership, a Casey’s General store and other similar options in the community, but one business owner at that interchange is not happy about it at all.

Planners will meet virtually through a Zoom session on Thursday night at 6:30 pm to consider the amendment, but Gurwinder Gill, owner of the BP Gas Station at Red Arrow Highway and I-94 in Bridgman wants no part of it, arguing that it “will turn Red Arrow Highway into a commercial wasteland of unregulated fast food restaurants, automobile dealerships, service stations, and asphalt.”

Gill argues that while the city’s stated intent for the Interstate Gateway District is to promote economic development by establishing standards for parking, landscaping, and building material, reality is that “this ‘District’ will eliminate the provisions in the current zoning ordnance which regulate these industries by requiring special use permits.”

He also contends that the district “violates the intent and spirit of the City of Bridgman Master Plan that was just adopted in 2019, which envisions a high quality and attractive commercial strip for Red Arrow Highway.”

He points out that one of the city’s Master Plan goals (Goal 10) states:

The preservation and enhancement of natural features of the community will be a central consideration in all civic decisions in Bridgman. Buildings and infrastructure will be planned, constructed, and maintained to protect and improve the quality of the natural environment while serving the needs of the population and giving residents and visitors appropriate access to enjoy natural features. 

Instead, the service station owner argues that, “The Planning Commission wants to reduce thoughtful regulation so that an automobile dealership and a Casey’s General Store can locate on Red Arrow Highway without complying with the requirements of special land use permits and the current Zoning Ordinance.” He goes on to say, “The Planning Commission should not be allowed to abandon the intent of the Master Plan just to satisfy businesses that do not want to enhance Red Arrow Highway and our community.”

He is encouraging the public to participate in Thursday night’s public hearing to have their voices heard.


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