Commuters and others who regularly travel Hillandale Road south of Napier east of Lake Michigan College will be forced to detour for about a week starting Monday according to word today from the Berrien County Road Department.
Berrien County Road Department Traffic Safety Supervisor Michael Juengling says that beginning next Monday, November 5th, barricades will halt traffic on Hillandale Road just south of Napier Avenue for a bridge replacement project being done by the Berrien County Drain Commission.
Hillandale will be closed at that point for the project which is expected to take about a week under ideal conditions. Detour signage will route traffic off of Hillandale during the bridge construction project and use Meadowbrook, Tubbs and Napier to get around the work.
The map shared here on Moody on the Market was provided by the Berrien County Road Department to depict the detour route and location of the bridgework being performed on Hillandale.
Michael Juengling has informed us that this project has been delayed. A large, 4-inch gas main has to be relocated before the bridge work can be performed, so the project is delayed until further notice. The gas line will have to be moved before the project can advance. Stay tuned.