Five sculptures have been installed on pads directly across the street from the Box Factory for the Arts in St. Joseph, as part of the Box Factory’s partnership with the Krasl Art Center in presenting the 2022 New Biennial Sculpture Invitational. The sculptures, selected for the installation by guest curators Foster and Guy Willey, will be on exhibit through mid-September 2023.
The work of Detroit area sculptors on exhibit are:
Robert Sestok, Stand #3, 2020
Robert Onnes, Doubt/Dogma
Richard Bennett, Solar, 2018
Safell Gardner, Sankofa, 2017
Ken Thompson, Steel Stack Triangle, undated.
Providing financial support for bringing the sculptures to the Box Factory were the Southwesterrn Michigan Tourist Council and the Judy Felland Foundation of St. Joseph.
Foster Willey, himself a nationally known Detroit area sculptor, will have an indoor exhibit of his work at the Box Factory on July 23 through September 10. More details will follow on his exhibit which will be in the Williams Gallery. Guy Willey, who co-curated the Biennial sculptures at the Box, lives in Brooklyn where he designs museum exhibitions, public art sites and architecture They are the sons of Barbara and the late Foster Willey, Sr. who were active supporters of the Berrien Artist Guild at the Box Factory.
For more on this and other Box Factory events, visit the Box online at<,1,CPMwBH2_-yMgc_7FjR4z5NPsSc02Om0GSYuRwJ0wa8dFCBMQCLO_PZot97am5vVPsrQsESCV3gAJ96jCmn1VBqaOlVR4YpmLzbbtHRM8cjPgcPEC&typo=1&ancr_add=1> or on Facebook at