Best Regatta Party on the Great Lakes Headed Our Way

Yes, Virginia…school is about to fire back up again across the Great Lakes State, but not before what has been tabbed as “The Best Regatta Party on the Great Lakes” takes place this coming weekend. Back by incredibly popular tradition is the Tri-State Regatta Party at the St. Joseph River Yacht Club in St. Joe over the upcoming Labor Day weekend.

The 2017 Tri-State Regatta Party at the Yacht Club is one of only two parties per year that the general public is invited to at the local club. It has become one of the great sailing traditions on Lake Michigan, beginning Friday night of the Labor Day holiday weekend.

Hundreds of sailors and over one hundred sailboats will leave Chicago to race across the lake on Friday evening, with boats arriving in the St. Joseph harbor anywhere from midnight on Friday to noon the following day, all depending upon wind and weather conditions.

Arrival times are typically based on the size of the boat, weather conditions and the skill of the crew. On Saturday, the City of St. Joseph welcomes the sailors who will enjoy their afternoon at the St. Joseph River Yacht Club, wandering the streets and shops of the beautiful central business district and participating in a volleyball tournament at Tiscornia Beach — or if it was a long and rough night, simply recovering from the rigors of the race.

The race from Chicago to St. Joseph is run by the Columbia Yacht Club who, in partnership with the St. Joe River Yacht Club, sends many thousands of sailors and visitors to our shores every year. Some of the earliest competitive sailing between the historic Columbia Yacht Club and the St. Joseph Yacht Club fleets date back to the early 1900’s.

The current race format, with the Friday race to St. Joe, a Sunday race to Michigan City and a Labor Day return race to Chicago, has been running for well over 70 years. The Michigan City Yacht Club sponsors the second leg, and the Jackson Park Yacht Club sponsors the race back to Chicago. All of the Yacht Clubs have noted that the long relationship between the Clubs is sincerely valued. Typically, about a dozen or so boats from St. Joseph travel to Chicago to compete in the race, and often bring home a trophy or two.

The St. Joseph River Yacht Club sponsors the annual party on Saturday which has been called by many “The Best Regatta Party on the Great Lakes.” That party is open to the public for all to enjoy on Saturday, September 2nd. The day runs from 7:00am to 11:00am with an all you can eat breakfast buffet of scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, and other sides. Then, burgers and hotdogs along with potato salad will be available from noon until 3pm. Additionally, the Yacht Club offers up a fantastic dinner of grilled steak, chicken or vegetarian including sides from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

The very popular band Libido Funk Circus takes the main stage from 8:00pm until Midnight for a great night of music and dancing. Food and drink tickets can be purchased at the door. There will be a $5 cash admission after 8pm. This event takes place rain or shine under the big top tent on the yacht club grounds.

The popular party is driven by Yacht Club volunteers who donate many hours to assure the celebration maintains its reputation as the coolest place to be on a hot Labor Day weekend. The crowds of people that come to see the boats and enjoy the overall atmosphere help shape a great evening.

The 2017 Tri-State Regatta Party takes place Saturday, September 2nd at the St. Joseph River Yacht Club, located on the north side of the St. Joseph River at 1 Lighthouse Lane in St. Joseph/.


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