Berrien health officials warn of dangers of underage marijuana use

The Berrien County Health Department Substance Use Disorder Prevention Team is seeking to educate residents about the dangers of underage marijuana use and discourage people under the age of 21 from using the drug.

According to Health Department Prevention Specialist Team Leader Lisa Peeples-Hurst, since voters legalized recreational marijuana in Michigan in 2018, the county has noticed that access to the product has increased in underage youth.

“We have some brain science that tells us the effects of THC on a developing adolescent brain,”  Peeples-Hurst said. “Its so important for us to try to give that message [out] to raise the public awareness – and also parents’ awareness – of the use of marijuana.”

Hurst said some of the effects of underage use included difficulties with problem solving, problems with memory, reduced coordination and problems with school and social life. According to a 2019 survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 37 percent of high school seniors reported they had used marijuana in their lifetime, and 22 percent reported using marijuana in the last 30 days.

“Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean that it’s harmless,” Peeples-Hurst said. “While Michigan allows for the recreational use of marijuana by adults who are 21 and older, it is important to keep minors from using as they face greater health risks. If you decide to use marijuana as an adult, it is your responsibility to talk to your children about it and other drugs and make sure they aren’t able to access your cannabis.”

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, parents can help reduce their child’s risk by talking to them about marijuana. SAMHSA has resources available to help parents and other adults start conversations with underage people in their life about marijuana and other substances.

For more information about preventing underage marijuana use, visit or contact Peeples-Hurst at (269) 927-5690.


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