Berrien Animal Control Caring for Displaced Pets and Working to Reunite Families

In the aftermath of historic flooding across Michigan’s Great Southwest, the folks at Berrien County Animal Control are continuing to care for displaced dogs and cats, allowing time for owners to reunite with their pets.

Once the pets are reunited with their owners, the Berrien County Animal Control Office is providing the displaced flood victims with “Starter Pet Packs” as they reclaim their pets and head back to homes or settle into new quarters temporary or full time.

The owners of dogs will receive food, dishes for both food and water, a collar, and a leash.

The owners of cats will receive a litterbox, litter, cat food, bowls for both food and water, a collar, and a carrier if needed.

If you have been evacuated and Animal Control has your pet you are asked to please call the following numbers to make arrangements to reunite you and your pet:

  • During regular business hours call (269) 927-5648
  • After regular business hours call (269) 983-7141

The Berrien County Animal Control unit is slowly reuniting pets from the evacuations across the county. In the meantime, Animal Control officials are working to restock some of the supplies, and are inviting the community to help in their replacement.

The items needed include:

  • Bleach
  • Blankets
  • Kitty Litter
  • Paper Towels
  • Small Plastic Litterboxes
  • Double sided cat bowls
  • Metal dog bowls
  • Laundry detergent
  • Dawn dish soap

The Animal Control team points out that volunteers are not needed at this time. All volunteers are required to attend a volunteer orientation or Just in Time Training, prior to volunteering.

Owners can also call 2-1-1 to obtain information on area kennels as well as area hotels/motels that have pet friendly policies.

The photo accompanying this story on Moody on the Market is a file photo and is used for illustration purposes only. It is not a photo of a pet involved in the flooding rescue work.


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