Benton Harbor Teen Named Boys And Girls Clubs Michigan Youth Of The Year

Donovan Frazier of Benton Harbor has been named Michigan Youth of the Year by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Boys and Girls Club of Benton Harbor Teen Center Director John Sams tells WSJM News Donovan is the organization’s Youth of the Year for Benton Harbor and the statewide competition was this weekend. Donovan is a 17-year-old senior at Eau Clair High School.

“A 4.0 student, captain of the basketball team, the youngest third degree black belt champion in the nation, was just named Mr. Homecoming King, and now he’s the state of Michigan Youth of the Year,” Sams said.

Sams says the state competition was held virtually for the third year in a row and Donovan had to give a remote presentation.

“He had to do a resume and cover letter, he had to do a 15 minute interview, a three minute speech, and that was the entire packet.”

Sams says the regionals are what’s next for Donovan. Those will be in July. If Donovan is Youth of the Year for the Midwest, he would compete nationally. Each win comes with a scholarship. Sams says this is the fifth time in the past 22 years the state winner is from Benton Harbor.


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