Benton Harbor School Board hears from public about superintendent search

The Benton Harbor Area Schools Board of Education has heard from the public about its search for a new superintendent. At a meeting this week, trustees too public comments, most of which were in support of keeping Interim Superintendent Kelvin Butts in the role. Former Trustee Mathew Bradley said there’s no need for a big search.

“Why are we wasting taxpayer money on another search, especially when we have a qualified candidate here among us? This is not a time for a search.”

District teachers union President Brenda Terrell also asked to keep Butts in the position.

“We’ve had good conversations with him about getting our district back on track, and I really don’t think that our teachers are going to be able to stand for another person to come in here and bring their [cronies] and then we have to start all over again. It’s hurting our kids.”

Benton Township Supervisor Kathy Yates said there’s no need to bring in someone new when they have someone already who cares about the kids. Trustees noted no decision was to be made at the meeting, with Reinaldo Tripplett saying the board just wanted to hear the voices of the citizens. A consultant told them they can either do a search or hire from within. Butts has been interim superintendent since last year, following the departure of former Superintendent Andrae Townsel.


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