Benton Harbor High School student film getting premier Friday

A film produced by students at Benton Harbor High School will get its premier Friday. Benton Harbor Area Schools Chief Support Services Officer Paul Korson tells us students in the media department were inspired after reading Jason Reynold’s graphic novel, Long Way Down. It tells the story of a Black youth struggling to make it.

“As they were reading through it, they just really resonated and connected with the story, and from there, we partnered with our media and communications teachers and they put together a new script,” Korson said.

From there, the students and the media staff made the film happen with around 12 actors and a crew behind the scenes.

“They’re still putting together the final cut and we’re going to have a small viewing before the actual premier, but we’re really excited to celebrate all of the hard work.”

The short movie focuses on a young Black boy struggling to make a decision after his brother is shot dead in the street. Korson says it will be screened this Friday at the Ghostlight Theater in Benton Harbor starting at 6 p.m. Tickets are $7 and everyone’s invited. He says he’s looking forward to celebrating the hard work of the students.


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