Benton Harbor barbershop to host youth book program

A nationwide program that seeks to improve literacy among boys is coming to Benton Harbor.

Barbershop Books works to provide books for young people to barbershops, and Shaw’s All Styles Barber Shop on Napier Avenue will be the first in Michigan to host it starting this week.

St. Joseph resident Janita Gaulzetti tells us she learned about the program and then reached out to the Benton Harbor Public Library to find a local business interested in taking part. So, why barber shops?

“Because it’s a community hub, and it’s a place where people gather with their relatives, there are waiting times for getting your hair cut,” Gaulzetti said. “They have found a lot of success putting the books into barbershops because there are some times where kids can’t get to the library and this is kid of a routine. They’re there often enough with their family getting their hair cut.”

Gaulzetti says Barbershop Books is providing a shelf and about 15 books to the shop in Benton Harbor.

The idea is boys find themselves at the barbershop on a regular basis, either to wait for an adult getting a haircut or to get one themselves. Now they’ll be able to read something while waiting.

The program launches Friday at Shaw’s, and it’s hoped more local barbershops will sign up.


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