Alex Mandarino Foundation to Support Mattox Williams through North Pier’s 415AM beer releas

On April 23rd, North Pier Brewing Company, 670 North Shore Drive, Benton Haror, will be hosting their 6th annual Opening Day for 415AM, a seasonal beer brewed to raise money for the Alex Mandarino Foundation, an organization that fights against Neuroblastoma and other pediatric cancers.

The Alex Mandarino Foundation will be donating all of the funds raised from Opening
Day to Mattox Williams, a 15-year-old freshman from St. Joseph who is battling a rare
form of pediatric Osteosarcoma.The Williams family would like to extend their gratitude   to our entire community for their outpouring of love and support for Mattox.

“It’s amazing to have so many people willing to help Mattox and our family during this extremely difficult time. We would like to thank the Alex Mandarino Foundation and North Pier for their gracious donations from this amazing event,” states Amber Williams, mother of Mattox.

415AM stands for “Alex Mandarino” with the “415” symbolizing his date of birth, and the “AM” his initials. Sadly, in 2013, 5-year-old Alex passed away after a 3-year battle with Neuroblastoma, a rare form of childhood cancer.

“We appreciate everything that North Pier has done to help raise money and awareness
towards pediatric cancer,” states Tony Mandarino, father of Alex. “Alex continues to
make an impact on so many lives today, and we’re proud that he’s helping support
Mattox and his family through this difficult time.”

The first 100 people to donate $30 or more will be given 2022 Senior PGA Flex Tickets.

KitchenAid® Stand Mixers and Chicago Cubs tickets are among several other items to
be raffled off at the event.

North Pier is also giving back a portion of proceeds from every 415AM pint and 4-pack
sold. 100% of all funds raised from the day will be donated to Mattox through the Alex
Mandarino Foundation. North Pier will be matching every donation dollar for dollar, up to $20,000. Maddox wore number 25 in basketball at St. Joseph, so North Pier and the
Alex Mandarino Foundation have set a total goal of $25,000.

Mattox was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in 2022. He has received chemotherapy at
the University of Michigan and will be undergoing surgery next week at Mayo Clinic to
remove tumors before returning to Ann Arbor for 20 more weeks of chemo. Funds
received will help to support the family’s medical costs.

415AM was the brainchild of North Pier’s first Bid United Auction winners in 2016, an
online auction hosted by United Way of Southwest Michigan. The winners, made up of
aspiring brewers, including Mandarino, brewed this beer to benefit childhood cancer

For more information on The Alex Mandarino Foundation, please click here:


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