Saving Energy in the Heat Wave

The forecast is in and the end of the week and the weekend ahead are shaping up to be among the hottest days of the year, but that doesn't have to mean huge additional costs for your home or your place of business if you utilize some of the tips and tricks offered by the crew at Indiana Michigan Power Company.

Tracy Warner from I&M's communications team offers up some suggestions for not only the next few days, but for any time that extreme heat strikes the region. These are ways that both commercial and residential customers of the utility can save energy while beating the heat:

Fans. Use ceiling fans and portable fans to circulate air and help reduce the amount of air conditioning you use. Use your kitchen exhaust fan while cooking. 

Air Conditioners. Be sure to regularly install new air filters; dirty filters cause your equipment to work harder and use more energy. Set your air conditioner’s thermostat for the highest comfortable temperature, and remember to adjust it to a higher temperature for times you are away from home. Keep doors and windows closed. 

Windows. Keep direct sunlight out during the day – close curtains and blinds.  

Housework.  Do heavy chores such as laundry, washing dishes and baking during the cooler part of the day.  
Switch off, unplug. Disconnect appliances such as phone chargers, which use electricity even when the appliance is not recharging. Turn off unused computers. Turn off unused lights. 

Weatherstrip. Seal air leaks around doors and windows.  

Think long term. You may not get to it this weekend, but consider taking some more involved steps to improve energy efficiency in your home or business, including purchasing a programmable thermostat; installing sufficient insulation; planting shrubberies against outside walls; and making sure your attic is properly ventilated to prevent heat build-up. Eligible I&M customers with electric heat can call 855-231-5274 to schedule a home energy checkup. An I&M energy expert will measure your insulation, look for energy leaks and recommend improvements. If you schedule a checkup before the end of August and make the recommended improvements with a qualified contractor within 30 days of your checkup, I&M pays up to 75 percent of the cost, up to $3,000.  
I&M offers a number of energy-efficiency programs and additional tips to save energy at 

Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) is headquartered in Fort Wayne, and its 2,450 employees serve more than 589,000 customers. It operates 2,600 MW of coal-fired generation in Indiana, 2,160 MW of nuclear generation in Michigan and 22 MW of hydro generation in both states. The company’s generation portfolio also includes 450 MW of purchased wind generation and, by the end of 2016, approximately 15 MW of large-scale solar generation.


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