Norton Shores contractor selected for Benton Harbor demolitions


Benton Harbor City Commissioners have awarded a contract for demolition services to be performed as part of the city’s Community Development Block Grant program.

The federally funded CDBG program is used to remove blighted properties and help residents with home repairs, among other things. At a meeting on Monday, commissioners awarded a $514,000 contract to Melching, Incorporated of Norton Shores for the demolition of up to 15 properties around the city.

Mayor Marcus Muhammad said while he understands specific qualifications are required for some of the work, he hopes Benton Harbor residents will be hired by the firm. He also asked for a thorough report on the demolition program once it’s finished.

“That way the city council is aware moving forward what contractors see it as a priority to exhaust all means and measures to hire and include Benton Harbor residents,” Muhammad said.

The city received five bids for the demolitions, ranging from $514,000 to $1.1 million. Melching was the lowest bidder.

This project will have no effect on the city’s general fund.


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