Women’s Business Center announces first startup grant winner

The Women’s Business Center announced its first-ever recipient for its new startup grant, Tara Kelley and her business, the Dirty Baker. Kelley was presented with grant last week during the Women’s Business Center’s 20th anniversary celebration, and plans to use the funds to help with marketing.

“With this marketing money, the money, the grant that I can use towards marketing, that should help me fulfill my goals of maybe getting into some of these special events that people are having and give them an array of desserts and that’ll get the catering side of the Dirty Baker going” Kelley said. 

Kelley has been a baker for many years, first picking it up as a hobby. She feels she spreads joy with her baking through homemade cookies, cake balls, and cupcakes.

She says a sweet treat can always make someone’s day.

“Baking, I love to make people happy and you know, you get something sweet, it makes you happy so that’s kind of my tagline. I bake someone happy.”

As a small business owner, Kelley understands how difficult things can be. She thanked the WBC for supporting small businesses, as Kelley says they are a big part of the community.

“If we support other small businesses within our community, that’s just putting back more into the community and you’ll make it thrive. We have too many businesses that are having to close their doors because we’re not supporting them. We’re doing the big box, you know, stores. You can see where you can make an impact in another family’s life by giving their business your business.”

The Dirty Baker can be found on Facebook, or by phone number at 269-470-5210.


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