Tim Dawson Joins the Moody on the Market 40 Under 40 Class of 2024

Name: Tim Dawson

Company: LECO Corporation

What Does Your Company/Organization Do? LECO manufacturers scientific testing equipment.

Age: 36

Education: Bachelor of Science, Communication and Theatre Arts, Eastern Michigan University 2009 Master of Science, Digital Media, Valparaiso University, 2010

My career has largely been comprised of doing work to not be recognized, by trying to ensure that the websites I’ve managed are usable and accessible — and like audio in a movie, when it’s done well, it’s rarely noticed, but if it is done poorly, it is extremely noticed. That was a long way to say that I have a hard time identifying my accomplishments; I was the first in my family to graduate college, and the first to attend and graduate from a graduate program; I’ve built a shed/workshop from ‘scratch’; my exercise app claims I’ve done enough exercise to equate to climbing Mount Fuji, the Matterhorn, Kilimanjaro, and Denali.

What else do you hope to accomplish by the age of 40? I’d love to open a creative reclamation and maker’s space – a place where those interested in learning or expanding their DIY skills can collect and work, fostering a community and sharing knowledge, while also collecting and utilizing objects that would otherwise be destined for a landfill in clever and sustainable ways.

Current City: Benton Harbor, MI

Place You Were Born: Tampa, FL

What was your first job? McDonald’s (Bridgman, MI)

What motivates you to give back to your community? Knowing that I can help others achieve their dreams, and encourage growth through trial and error.

What Superpower would you most love to have? Teleportation – I love to travel, and the ability to get to a destination quickly would allow me to maximize my vacation time.

What would you like to leave behind as your legacy once you are gone? I hope that I can leave the spirit of trial and error – a knowledge and understanding that it is okay to make mistakes, and that mistakes offer the opportunity to reflect, learn, and grow.

What does the honor of being named to the 40 Under 40 most mean to you? I am extremely honored to be named to the 40 Under 40, and to know that even those of us with quiet ambitions and silent or unseen impacts can be recognized for hard work and dedication.


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