Silver Beach playground work could start this fall


A bid has been awarded for the replacement of the Silver Beach playground.

Speaking to the Berrien County Board of Commissioners Thursday, Parks Director Jill Adams said the county sought bids early this summer and got one offer.

“We are excited to be able to award this bid to BG Construction and Engineering out of Buchanan — local,” Adams said. “How we bid out was a base bid for the main project that includes the large structures, some benches, and the surfacing, as well as some hard surface connection and ADA accessible parking spaces.”

Adams has been working for more than a year to raise funds to help pay for the playground replacement. The county has received an $800,000 state grant for the project, but the overall cost for a new playground is expected to be $1.25 million. Adams said they’re getting there.

“With our goal of $1.25 million, we are currently at 89% of our way there. So I’m really excited about that number, but we do have some additional funds to raise.”

They’re still seeking to raise $139,000. Adams said anyone can contribute through the Berrien Community Foundation, which is helping the parks department with the fundraiser. You can learn more right here.

Adams has spoken to around ten community groups to pitch the playground project in the past year and said she still has more to address.

The plan is for construction on the new playground to begin in the fall. The current Silver Beach playground is more than 30 years old.


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