Baroda preparing for July 3 fireworks


The village of Baroda is gearing up to hold its annual July 3 celebration and fireworks next week ahead of the Fourth of July.

Thanks to the Baroda Firemen’s Association, the village fireworks are put on each year with the support of donations. Baroda fire chief Chris Burch says the department looks forward to putting this event on once again, bringing something exciting to the community.

“As the fire chief, growing up around here my whole life, it really is true to my heart,” Burch said. “I know everybody really enjoys this display. We try to make it bigger and better every year within our financial means, and it means a lot to me to see these people come out here and really enjoy themselves at this event.”

This year, the fire department raised over $30,000 to support the fireworks display for the celebration, and Burch said they are looking to further their fundraising efforts. Therefore, new this year, the department will be charging $10 a car load for parking. Burch also noted the department and village is looking to have funds for a year in advance, in the case that something happens.

“We’re trying to work to where we can have the year in advance, so we can get a kind of a nest egg built so that we can move forward and if something happens, we don’t have to worry about it.”

The Baroda village fireworks will be held at dusk on July 3rd behind the Baroda American Legion Post 345. The Legion will also have live music starting at 7 p.m.

For more information, visit and search fireworks.


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