An event to raise funds for the The Avenue Family Network’s Cora Lamping Center for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence will be held at the Four Winds Casino next month.
The Avenue’s Loretta Hillock tells us the second annual Author Event will be held October 4 with author Phyliss Michael Wong. She’ll discuss the stories of women who worked in factories and kept their towns going during the Great Depression.
Hillock says last year’s Author Event was a hit.
“This is our second event, and we’re very excited about having another one this year,” Hillock said. “We hope to be able to continue to make this something we do every year.”
The presentation, “We Kept Our Towns Going – The Gossard Girls of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula” will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the casino. Tickets are $75 and all proceeds go to the Cora Lamping Center.
Hillock tells us the Cora Lamping Center is the only shelter for domestic violence survivors in the Benton Harbor area. It has 23 beds and gives women a place to stay while getting back on their feet following a bad experience.
The goal of the event is to raise $25,000 for the center.
You can get tickets at the website of the Avenue Family Network.