County Broadband Map Almost Done

DCS Technologies has just about completed a parcel by parcel map of broadband availability in Berrien County. Speaking to the Berrien County Board of Commissioners Thursday, County Administrator Brian Dissette said the detailed information will enable the county to seek grants to expand access.

“We are at a point where DCS Technologies is now largely complete on their mapping,” Dissette said. “As soon as the mapping’s done, you now have a clear example of what is your need. Those maps will show clearly where the gaps in coverage are, and that will illustrate what the need is. I think all of you can guess which communities are going to need the most help.”

Dissette said the state and federal governments both have broadband grant programs he expects the county to use. The Southwest Michigan Planning Commission will help the county as it seeks that funding. Dissette said more will be discussed at a September 29 meeting of the county’s broadband committee, BC Bit.


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