Berrien County Townships Waiting On Results Of Broadband Survey

Township officials around Berrien County are waiting on the results of a broadband availability survey being undertaken by the county government. DCS Technologies is mapping the county, address by address, to determine where there is broadband and where there isn’t. Buchanan Township Supervisor Malinda Cole-Crocker tells WSJM News access is spotty in her township.

“We have some areas that have fantastic service, we have some that are only able to get wireless, so maybe your cell phone,” Cole-Crocker. “Then we have some that have no access to service, be it wireless, fiber, or any of the above.”

As around $6 million in federal ARPA funds are being used by the county for broadband grants to townships, Cole-Crocker says residents are anxious to find out how much Buchanan Township could receive. A few townships have already applied for grants based on previous studies.

“Some of us weren’t quite as up to speed as some of the other locals. So, we were actually called in by Berrien County and the Berrien County broadband committee to come on board. So, we were  a ,little behind the eight ball, but we will be allowed to participate once we know how many addresses, once their study is complete, then we can make our determination on how many we have and what costs will look like.”

Cole-Crocker says the effects the ARPA grants could have on Buchanan Township will be better known when that survey is done. She notes when the schools were shut down due to COVID, many parents had to drive their kids to areas where was broad broadband so the kids could attend virtual classes. She’s hoping the availability will be improved in the next couple of years.


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