St. Joseph Honored For Road Project

The city of St. Joseph’s recently completed Langley Avenue reconstruction project has received an award. St. Joe City Engineer Tim Zebell tells WSJM News the Michigan Chapter of the American Public Works Association has selected the project for its regional Project of the Year in the category of work over $5 million. Zebell says a main feature of the work was seeking public input. For example, people were asked if they would like the work to result in new bike lanes or a non-motorized path.

“The vast majority of the people who responded wanted to see the non-motorized path and the reduced roadway pavement section,” Zebell said. “It was kind of surprising through that process. Most of the people who responded told us that they didn’t need any on street parking at all.”

So now there’s less street parking. Zebell says the project included plenty more than just road construction.

“Over 60 lead service lines were replaced. We did copper in the right of way, and then where we need to we also replace the service into the home.”

The work also included several features to improve safety, like flashing signs and new street markings. Another feature of the project was to narrow the pavement section to create a more neighborhood-like feel and to get traffic to slow down. Zebell says with the project now winning that regional award, it will go up for a state honor.


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