South Haven Candidates To Take Questions At Forum Next Week

As a mayoral and city council election approach in South Haven, a candidate forum is planned for this month. Judy Pollack with the American Association of University Women tells WSJM News mayoral candidates Scott Smith and Ahmmad Goodwin will be there along with those running for both contested and uncontested city council seats. She’s taking suggestions for questions to ask the candidates.

“These are topics, of course, that are of interest to South Haven,” Pollack said. “For example, economic development, balancing tourism with the year-round economy, housing issues, what value foes LMC bring to South Haven and any changes people would like to see.”

Pollack says they’re going to post a video from the forum online after, but people can attend in person. It will be Thursday, September 30 at 7 p.m. at Lake Michigan College in South Haven. They’re working on making a Zoom option possible for those who don’t want to go in person.


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