Live Fire Training Slated for Friday Morning at South Bend International Airport

If your travels take you to South Bend International Airport tomorrow morning, Friday, June 25th, 2021, don’t be alarmed if you see fire trucks, and roaring flames on the airfield there…it’s time for another round of live fire training sessions.

The St. Joseph County Airport Authority (SJCAA) Department of Public Safety will be conducting Federal Aviation Administration fire training with live burns on Friday morning, June 25th, 2021 from approximately 7:30 am until 9:30am at the live fire training facility on the northwest corner of the airfield at South Bend International Airport (SBN).

The fire safety training is mandated by the FAA under FAR Part 139 for any entity specializing in Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF).


Due to inclement weather this morning, the live fire training scheduled for this morning will take place on Monday, June 28, 2021 from approximately 7:30 am until 9:30 am.


South Bend International Airport’s four air carriers provide nonstop flights to thirteen cities: Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Detroit, Fort Myers/Punta Gorda, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, New York City/Newark, Orlando/Sanford, Phoenix/Mesa, Sarasota/Bradenton, and Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg with connections world-wide. South Bend International’s multi-modal terminal serves over one million air and rail passengers each year. According to the 2012 Economic Impact Report from the state aviation association, Aviation Indiana, South Bend International’s total annual economic impact on South Bend and surrounding communities was more than $1.7 billion.

For additional information about the air field, you can go to or get social with SBN on Facebook (, Twitter (@SBNairport) or Instagram (@SBNairport) to stay informed about the airport and the carriers that serve the South Bend region and Michigan’s Great Southwest.


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