Since Berrien County began rounding up unwanted and outdated pesticide products, more than 266,500 pounds of those potentially hazardous products have been safely disposed of across the region. Now, they’re ready to do it again this summer on a couple of occasions.
Jill Adams, Director of the Berrien County Parks Department has issued a call today to all farmers, greenhouse operators, golf course superintendents and groundskeepers, and anyone else using large quantities of the chemicals asking them all to properly dispose of their unwanted and/or outdated pesticides free of charge during upcoming Clean Sweep Pesticide Collections on June 23rd and again on July 28th in 2021 in Benton Harbor. The registration deadline, which is a requirement, falls two weeks prior to each of the events.
You can get a registration form at, or you can call Berrien County Parks, 269-983-7111 x8234 or you can even contact your local Conservation District or MSU-Extension office.
Clean Sweep is funded by a grant from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. More than 266,500 pounds of pesticides have been collected and disposed safely through the Berrien County site since it first began operations.