St. Joe’s Silver Beach Hotel Sold to New Owners, Closed for Maintenance Work

If the Silver Beach Hotel in downtown St. Joseph has appeared to be eerily dark after nightfall since shortly after the first of the year, it’s because the hotel is currently closed completely for maintenance renovations and upgrades according to the new management company that has taken the reins.

Jayeshkumar Patel, who goes by simply Jay, says that his firm, Lighthouse Hospitality Group headquartered in Muskego, Wisconsin, is the new management company operating the facility after it was sold in late November or early December. Patel, who has a local office on W. John Beers Road in Stevensville and operates the Comfort Suites of Stevensville, says that future plans for the Silver Beach Hotel have not been solidified as yet, however reports that it is “closed for maintenance.” He responded to my email inquiry about the fate of the 7-story, 150-room hotel building at 100 Main Street in the city saying only, “I will be more than happy to share future plans once I have a better picture.”

Lighthouse Hospitality owns and/or has management agreements with dozens of hotels across multiple major household name brands in more than a dozen states from New York to Florida and from New Jersey to North Dakota with heavy concentrations in the Midwest including Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The company has been in business for more than 35 years.

The local phone number for the Silver Beach Hotel currently rings through to the Comfort Suites of Stevensville, due to the shutdown in St. Joe.


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