Berrien County Seeking Volunteers for Key Board Vacancies

Some people watch things happen, some wonder what happened, and then there are those who go out and make things happen. You have the opportunity to play a role in making things happen in Berrien County by offering your services to one of a number of board vacancies that currently need to be filled.

Berrien County has several board vacancies in search of willing citizens. Due to COVID-19 and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services orders restricting gatherings, if you apply, you must  have the technology and ability to attend meetings virtually, as in by computer or by phone.

Here are where openings need to be filled:

  • The Public Works Board has vacancies that need to be filled. The primary purpose of the Board of Public Works is to provide assistance in financing the municipal water, sewer, and storm systems within the County. Membership consists of the Drain Commissioner in addition to six other members.  The terms for the Public Works Board are three years. Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 9:30 am at the Berrien County Administration Center, 701 Main St., St. Joseph.
  • The Solid Waste Planning Committee consists of members from a wide scope including: solid waste management industry; environmental interest group; township government; city government, regional solid waste planning agency; industrial waste generator; and the general public. The committee is involved in preparing and updating the County Solid Waste Management Plan by providing advice and consultation.  Applicants will need to specify which interest group that they are representing. There is no set schedule for this committee, meetings are convened as needed. Meetings will be held at the Berrien County Administration Center, 701 Main St., St. Joseph, Michigan. The terms for the Solid Waste Planning Committee are for two years.
  • The Community Corrections Advisory Board purpose is to develop and implement the Berrien County Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan. The meetings are typically held quarterly on the 3rd Wednesday (January – April – July – October)  at noon at the Berrien County Courthouse, 811 Port St., St. Joseph. The positions that are vacant are a member of the business community, a member of the general public, and a City Commissioner from any City in the County. Applicants must specify which interest group that they are representing.
  • The Planning Commission serves in the advisory capacity for zoning or land use planning. It has four basic functions: To draft the County’s Master Plan every five years; To review and comment on local community Master Plans (in order to ensure land use consistency between neighboring communities); To review amendments to local zoning ordinances; and To review rezoning actions of local communities. It is made up of 11 members individually representing important segments of the community. It will be made up of citizens representing the following: environmental issues, agriculture, forestry and land use interests, governmental municipal interests, education, recreation and tourism, industrial and economic interests, transportation and communication interests, and one representing sanitation, environmental health, housing, and human services. When applying for this Commission, applicants should specify which area of interest they are representing. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday monthly at 2:30 pm at the Administration Center, 701 Main St., St. Joseph.

Anyone interested in serving on any of these boards may contact the Berrien County Administration office for an application at 269-983-7111, ext. 8095 or email

The application is also available on the Berrien County website at (under the Board of Commissioners page and board appointments).  Applications will be accepted until Friday, December 4, 2020.


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