New Michigan Website Delineates Prohibited & Approved Activities and Businesses

It can be confusing and frustrating for both Michigan businesses and consumers alike to recognize and know exactly which activities are allowed to take place in the Great Lakes State and which are not, especially since those allowances change by geographical region. That’s why the state has taken upon itself to establish a new tool in recent days that clearly shows which phase of the pandemic each region is in, and a corresponding table that delineates allowable activities, restrictions, current status and the related Executive Orders corresponding to each category.

You can find the site at the link below:,9753,7-406-100467_100913—,00.html

The table and map that you will find there attempt to summarize Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders related to the coronavirus, with a caution that the executive order should always be reviewed, and in the event of a conflict between the order and the table, it’s the order that controls the activity.

Regions on the map and table were created by analyzing work and commuting patterns, and the colors on the map indicate the phase of the MI Safe Start Plan for each region. The phase is based on a variety of factors including:

  • Data on COVID-19 infections and the disease’s rate of spread
  • Whether sufficient medical personnel, hospital beds, and ventilators exist to meet anticipated medical need
  • The availability of personal protective equipment for the health care workforce
  • The state’s capacity to test for COVID-19 cases and isolate infected people
  • Economic conditions in the state

Businesses are subject to the executive orders and may also be subject to guidance issued by MIOSHA, LARA, and other state agencies where applicable. Social distancing and mask requirements apply to all activities listed in the table.

Because more than 160 Executive Orders have been issued in Michigan since the beginning of the pandemic — many of which have either been revised, updated, rescinded or cancelled, the table helps walk you through the up to date status in each case by region, activity, and more.

It can be confusing to try to recall whether your favorite bar can be open for indoor service or not, if the place you plan to visit such as a gym, concert hall, park, school or other place is allowed to operate and more.

Keep in mind that there is a similar looking map on the MI Safe Start Plan site designed to track risk levels in each region by phase, but that map does not identify directly which activities can be open or must remain closed.


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