Team at 1-800-WATER DAMAGE in St. Joe Offers Appreciation Cleaning Event

When you are literally up to your elbows in round the clock community care, and busy keeping the peace during a global pandemic, there’s often very little time left for cleaning your car’s interior. Yet, there’s never been a more critical time for people in the line of fire to maintain the cleanliness of their vehicle to the best of their ability.

Thanks to the team at 1-800-WATER DAMAGE in St. Joseph, that task will get a free boost this Friday in a simple, easy, and — most importantly — free drive-through offering at their offices on Langley Avenue in St. Joe.

Kent and Stacey Ristow, owners and operators of 1-800-WATER DAMAGE have issued the offer to all public safety officers both Police and Fire to swing by 600 Langley Avenue in St. Joe across from Clementines this Friday, May 1, 2020, between 8am and 5pm for the free service.

The Ristows say, “We will do a quick cleaning and disinfecting while you wait. We wish we could serve everyone food, but since we can not, we will come up with a creative treat! Please share with all fellow officers!”


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