SWM Legislators Say Executive Order Expansion Unwarranted

Two members of Southwest Michigan’s legislative delegation have lashed out at the latest extension, and perhaps moreso expansion, of her Stay Home, Stay Safe shelter-in-place executive order.

State Rep. Pauline Wendzel minced few words in accusing Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of “moving in the wrong direction when she put even more restrictions on people and businesses” in her stay-at-home order extension.

Arguing that decidedly more common-sense adjustments would allow people to work safely, Wendzel struck back at increased restrictions, saying, “The people I represent are struggling and frustrated, and they need real answers for what comes next.”

Gov. Whitmer today ordered that stores no longer sell what she considers non-essential items and block off those areas so customers cannot access them, and also said she will not follow the updated federal CISA guidelines that would allow more Michiganders to safely return to work while following social distancing practices.

While Rep. Wendzel agrees it is important for people to continue social distancing to stop the spread of COVID-19, she says, “Rather than issuing more restrictions, the governor should focus on making common-sense adjustments to allow businesses to innovate and get back on their feet.”

The Watervliet legislator, an ardent advocate for small business, contends, “In Southwest Michigan, there’s no such thing as a non-essential business. Every business and their employees have a special place in our community and are woven into the fabric of the small towns scattered throughout our county. As we look to fight the COVID pandemic, it’s important that our people don’t become more of a casualty in this fight than they already have.”

Wendzel believes that small businesses that can operate safely should be allowed to open and that refusing to adapt to expert recommendations from CISA is foolish, reminding the Governor, “Michiganders are some of the most resilient and innovative people in the world,” and adding, “If they can find ways to operate safely and maintain social distancing guidelines, they should be allowed to open up and get back on their feet. We can fight this virus safely and smartly without killing our economy.”

Rep. Wendzel continued, “The fact that the governor refuses to adapt to expert recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security as so many of her colleagues have done is troubling and isn’t supported by data. This additional clamp-down is the last thing we need right now and hurts not only business owners, but every single one of our friends and neighbors.”

She and her staff are working remotely, so they can continue to serve residents during the COVID-19 outbreak. People with questions or concerns can reach her office by calling 517-373-1403 or PaulineWendzel@house.mi.gov.

Meanwhile, State Senator Kim LaSata says, “COVID-19 is killing more than just people — it is also destroying livelihoods and severely damaging our economy.” The Bainbridge Township Senator says, “It is truly unfortunate that Gov. Whitmer has not taken the economic impact of her decisions more seriously.”

LaSata says, “The Legislature took the governor seriously in extending the state’s emergency declaration, and she should have taken seriously requests to allow safe business operations in today’s order. We must strike a balance between protecting the public’s health and keeping the economy going.”

Just like Wendzel, Sen. LaSata says, “I have heard from numerous businesses from our district lamenting the fact that, while under similar circumstances, their competitors in Indiana are open for business while they are ordered closed. Our business owners and job providers are more than capable of operating safely — they have so far trusted the government during this crisis and it is time the government trusted them.”

She and her colleagues in the Senate on Tuesday announced a bipartisan “Safe Behavior for Safe Workplaces” workgroup to begin the process of developing a plan to reopen the economy.

That workgroup will gather information from businesses, medical professionals and residents from throughout the state to create recommendations for best practices in the workplace in preparation for the transition back to work. The workgroup set an aggressive deadline to deliver its recommendations to the governor by April 17th.

LaSata says, “I am confident that the new Safe Behavior for Safe Workplaces workgroup will develop sound recommendations that can help get our state back to work quickly and safely,” and adds, “I will continue to share feedback from my discussions with Southwest Michigan businesses with the workgroup as they conduct their thorough and expeditious work.”

She concludes, “Michigan can reopen its economy and stay safe, and we must do so before it is too late.”


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