Downtown St. Joe Hit With Another Power Outage Tonight

If you have dinner plans in downtown St. Joseph this evening, you might want to double check whether or not your diner of choice is open. There is a widespread power outage taking in most of the city’s central business district and nearby neighorhoods that is projected to last until about 9pm tonight, Tuesday, September 17th.

Indiana Michigan Power Company crews are working hard to restore power to nearly 1,600 customers who have been cut off. The outage began just before 4:30 this afternoon, and the utility’s Outage Map and incident report says that the projected time for return to service isn’t until about 9pm tonight.

There was no immediate indication as to why the power went out or what might have caused it. Stay tuned, and plan ahead for any outings downtown to make sure your destination is open for business before you go.

The photo accompanying this story on Moody on the Market is a screen shot of the Outage Map provided by Indiana Michigan Power.


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