Pipestone Creek Debuts “Putts for Mutts” So You Can Golf With Your Dog

If you’ve ever felt bad about having to leave Rex, Rover, Chuck or Zoe behind because you’re off to chase a little white ball around the park, the folks at Pipestone Creek Golf Course are set to remedy that situation right now.

Starting tomorrow, Friday, August 10th and for every Friday through the rest of the month, Pipestone Creek, otherwise known as “The Golf Course for the Rest of Us,” invites you to take part in their first ever Putts for Mutts campaign. Essentially, it may well be the first time ever that you’ve been invited to take your dog with you on a 9-hole game of golf.

Lori Dustin, owner and operator of Pipestone Creek, says that The Livery Microbrewery is partnering with Putts for Mutts, and she will be donating a certain amount of the fees paid to the Spay Neuter Assistance Program of Michigan, or simply SNAP.

For a $25 fee, you can golf with your dog from 4pm until 8pm on the lush, beautiful, wooded back nine at Pipestone Creek and a Livery beer is included, or if you prefer to just enjoy nature and walk your dog on that tract, $15 covers your walking tour and a Livery beer.

At any rate, it is a walking event and the entire back nine will be closed to golf cart traffic each Friday evening through the end of August to make way for the Putts for Mutts campaign. Dogs are to be kept on a leash, and you are asked to bring a partner to help hold your pet while you are taking your shot.

Additionally, pull carts and rental clubs are available on a first come basis. Pipestone Creek, which has been in the Dustin family for 61 years now, is located on Naomi Road in Eau Claire. Sign up now for a round or two of golf that you (and your dog) will likely never forget every Friday night starting tomorrow, August 10th, through the end of the month.

Remember, too…part of the proceeds for Putts for Mutts will go directly to the SNAP program for the animals.


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