The team at Berrien RESA, the Regional Education Service Agency (known for many years as the Intermediate School District) knows only too well that it takes a village to raise the children, and they recognize that such a village is typically comprised of partners throughout the community.
Without community partners, the job gets a lot tougher and the RESA team knows that so they are planning an awards breakfast later this month to honor the people who help them get the job done routinely.
Berrien RESA will host their 2017 Partnership Awards Breakfast Reception on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 8am at the Berrien RESA Conference Center at 711 St. Joseph Avenue in Berrien Springs.
For the eighth consecutive year, they will be recognizing a select group of community organizations as Berrien RESA Partners in Education for their longstanding commitment to foster relationships that encourage student development and achievement. To commemorate their status into this elite group of awardees, Berrien RESA is hosting a reception in their honor.
The awardees for 2017 include:
- Berrien Bus
- Berrien Springs Community Library
- Cornerstone Alliance
- Lakeland Health
- Martin’s Super Market of Niles
- Midwest Orthotic & Technology Center
Berrien RESA is an education service agency serving 26,000 students in Berrien County. The schools they serve include 16 public school districts, 20 parochial schools, and four public school academies.
RESAs are service agencies that offer support services to school personnel that are best delivered regionally, as measured by cost, size and quality advantages. Berrien RESA is an autonomous, tax-supported public school district governed by Michigan general school laws.
Local school districts, educational organizations, local non-profit organizations and neighboring businesses are partnering with Berrien Regional Education Service Agency in a new way…by sharing resources that allow them all to work more efficiently and effectively. Through such collaborations, dollars are saved, employees are working smarter and students/customers are reaping greater benefits. By incorporating the sharing of services in nearly every aspect of the organization, they too are being responsible stewards of tax payer dollars in that, they are maximizing revenue while at the same time providing premium services and support to Berrien County children.