SJ Superintendent Cardon Earns Glowing Report Card Ahead of New School Year

To say that the St. Joseph Public Schools Board of Education is pleased with the performance of Superintendent Ann Cardon would likely be an understatement of epic proportions. The Board tonight delivered a glowing performance report, citing “outstanding performance and highly effective outcomes,” and they are looking forward to a continued partnership with the dynamic school leader.

With the new school year close at hand, the Board of Education tonight reflected back on Cardon’s performance in the 2016-2017 school year. Their report calls Cardon, “A leader who cultivates an inclusive, caring and supportive school community that promotes academic success for each student in our district. Her outstanding leadership has made an impact in the areas of academics, finance, school improvement and the community at large. She is a strong communicator, excellent consensus builder and an effective leader for St. Joseph Public Schools. Her collaborative approach and inclusive nature are hallmarks of her leadership capabilities.”

Cardon was hired a little more than five years ago, joining the district in 2012 following three years at the helm of the Holton Public Schools, two years as Director of Curriculum at Mona Shores and more than half a dozen years as an elementary school principal in the Muskegon Public Schools system.

Continuing with their assessment of the popular leader, the board says Cardon’s passion and energy have “made a significant impact on the continued academic success at St. Joseph  Public Schools. She and her team have put in place sound methodologies including staff development, school improvement plans and instructional practices for all students in the district to achieve academic excellence.”

Regarding school finances in tough economic times, the board says, “Ann presented a balanced budget and delivered on a balanced budget. This proactive budget action will insure meeting current and future needs of students.”

The board also likes Cardon’s role in the community at large, saying, “Ann’s commitment goes beyond these four walls of the district. She continues to build strong relationships with community, business and education leaders by serving in strategic capacities on various committees to make our community stronger and a great place to live and work.”

Cardon studied at Grand Valley State University where she earned her BA, MA, and Ed.S. degrees before starting her career with Muskegon.

In concluding their assessment tonight, the SJ School Board says, “In summary, the Board of Education extends congratulations to Ann Cardon for an outstanding performance and highly effective outcomes in 2016-2017. Ann’s leadership, energy, and passion for the St. Joseph Public School district are making a significant impact. The Board of Education looks forward to our continued partnership with Ann and her leadership team.”

The photo accompanying this story on Moody on the was captured by United Way Executive Director Anna Murphy in the studios of Mid-West Family Broadcasting during the 2016 United Way Campaign.


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