When you get a number of volunteers together to run a non-profit organization, it can be tough to get everyone on the same page, or at least in the same chapter. Then, too, there's the never-ending task of recruiting volunteers to do the job in the first place. If your non-profit organization would like to learn some new techniques on both counts, you might want to sign up some folks to the local SCORE Chapter and their two-in-one workshop next month in Benton Harbor.
Dr. Marc Hardy is Director of Nonprofit Executive Education at the University of Notre Dame and he will launch the dual focus track on Saturday morning, April 16th at the Southwest Campus of Western Michigan University in Benton Harbor. Hardy will present "What are the Responsibilities of a Board Member in a Nonprofit?" that morning from 8:30am until 10:30am.
That workshop is ideal for new and prospective board members of nonprofits, as well as a great opportunity for current board members to brush up on what being a board member is all about. You'll learn what the responsibilities of a board member are, what the board's relationship is with the organization's director, ideas for how a board should function, how to approach fund raising, and many more ideas about how a board can be truly effective.
On the second half of the two-in-one workshop card, Dr. Salvatore Alaimo takes the podium from 10:30am until 12:30pm to discuss ways to recruit volunteers to support your non-profit organization and how to manage them. Dr. Alaimo is Associate Professor at the School of Public, Nonprofit and Health Administration for Grand Valley State University.
All non-profit organizations count on volunteers to help achieve their organization goals. You will learn ways to develop a strong volunteer commitment, and how to manage volunteers so they are satisfied with their contribution to the organization knowing they have helped achieve the goals at hand.
Space for these 2-in-1 workshops from the team at SCORE is limited, so you are strongly encouraged to register today to attend. Click the link below for more information and the opportunity to register online. The Western Michigan University Southwest Campus is located at 2785 E. Napier Avenue in Benton Harbor.
Here's the link for more: http://www.Kalamazoo.score.org/localworkshops