Amanda Drew Named to the Bold Women of Business Class of 2023


Amanda Drew
Where do you live?
Bridgman, MI
Company or Organization
United Way of Southwest Michigan
What is your job or role there?
Senior Director of Impact Strategies
How do you think that Bold Women of Business demonstrate being bold?
Being bold is being your authentic self, in every situation and in every walk of life. It is being brave and speaking up for others. It is being an active listener and learner. It is using your strengths and skills to make this community stronger.
Bold women are often defined by a number of descriptors. Please choose from the following descriptors to produce the top three that you would say most exemplify your personality?
Please provide an example of when you feel you were at your very best in taking action on the job or in your role.
I feel I’m at my very best in taking action in my role when I’m working on emergency response. Whether that be supporting victims of floods or fires, or coordinating our response during the pandemic, I’m at my best when I’m helping others and coordinating efforts.
What’s the funniest thing that ever happened on your road to success?
Not necessarily the funniest things that has ever happened to me, but our internal campaign events have been the most fun, whether that be cracking eggs over our heads, splashing water in each other’s faces, trying to guess what objects we are feeling, or taping our CEO to a wall, the laughter shared and the enjoyment that my coworkers and I have had during these events have definitely been the most fun.
Who most inspires your personal drive for success every day?
My children. Whether they know it or not, I strive to be the best version of myself for them every day.
What is your best advice to women in Southwest Michigan looking to succeed, as you have, in business?
Surround yourself with other people who build you up. Life is hard – we need the support, positivity, and love from those around us to keep going.
What does your selection to the ranks of the Bold Women of Business from Moody on the Market mean to you?
To be selected among all of these amazing women this year, and the ones previously selected, is truly an honor. I am proud to be a Bold Women in Southwest Michigan. Congratulations to all of these incredible women!


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