Rock/Pop & Jazz Concert coming to LMC on April 9


The Lake Michigan College Visual & Performing Arts Department promises a musical journey when they present the Rock/Pop and Jazz Band Concert at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 9 at the LMC Mendel Center Hanson Theatre.  The concert

Downtown St. Joseph business Kaiku for sale


Plants, pop-ups, and thrift items store Kaiku in downtown St. Joseph is for sale. Kelsey and Austin Bock, owners of the location at 402 State Street, posted on social media over the weekend that neither the economics

Brookie’s Café opens in downtown SJ March 27

Brookie's logo

Opening new restaurants is becoming a habit for Jake Arnold. When Arnold and his wife Brooke open Brookie’s Café in downtown St. Joseph on Thursday,  March 27, it will be their fifth opening in two years.  Arnold