New wayfinding signs coming to St. Joseph this year


Wayfinding signs to direct visitors to key attractions around the city of St. Joseph could be in place by Memorial Day following action this week by St. Joseph City Commissioners. Speaking at Monday’s meeting, City Manager Emily

St. Joseph Commissioners support Curious Kids request


St. Joseph City Commissioners have signed off on a zoning ordinance amendment for the Curious Kids Museum to move into its new home. Curious Kids announced back in October it’s seeking to purchase the home of the

Los Angeles fire losses could reach $30 billion for insurers


Benjamin Fanjoy/Bloomberg via Getty Images (LOS ANGELES) — Multiple fires raging across the Los Angeles area will cost insurers as much as $30 billion, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs estimated in a report released this week. After accounting for non-insured damages,

Could the former Target space in Benton Twp be resurrected?

Target logo

There’s been some buzz in Benton Township lately about the possible resurrection of the old Target store, perhaps split in half for two retail outlets.  Nothing for sure.  No announcements.  But some ‘informed speculation’ going on after