Versiti Blood Center asking for donations as winter weather cancels blood drives

This week’s winter weather has created a threat to the blood supply in Michigan. Versiti Blood Center’s Dawn Kaiser tells us the blood supply tends to go down this time of year due to students being off
Bridgman Holiday Village next Saturday

The city of Bridgman is gearing up for its annual Christmas celebration next Saturday, December 14. Greater Bridgman Area Chamber and Growth Alliance Director Nancy Kiernan tells us the Bridgman Holiday Village is one of the biggest
Whirlpool Corp. to Host Innovation Competition Event as Part of Mentorship Program

Whirlpool Corporation will host more than 40 of Benton Harbor High School’s ‘Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates’ (JMG) youth for a hands-on innovation competition as part of the Whirlpool Corporation Mentorship Program. The collaboration takes place next Tuesday
Animal Aid to hold open house Saturday in St. Joseph

Set for this Saturday is Animal Aid of Southwest Michigan’s Christmas Howliday Open House in St. Joseph. Animal Aid’s Becky Cooper tells us they’ll be set up at the Maud Preston Palenske Memorial Library from noon to
I & M expects power outage repairs by late evening Thursday in Benton Harbor area

More than 2600 Indiana Michigan power customers were still without electricity as of early afternoon, according to a statement from I & M: Amid frigid temperatures and continuing falling snow, Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) is making progress
Women’s Business Center launches new Business Plan Certification program

The Women’s Business Center at Cornerstone Alliance is launching a new opportunity for startup and established businesses. The inaugural Business Plan certification program, set to begin in January 2025, is geared toward women or anyone with a
Michigan ranks high in ‘non-essentials’ spending—a/k/a Holiday Gifts and Celebrations

In one of those stories that could have been written by The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, a new study has revealed the states spending the most on nonessential purchases at Christmas, with Maine and Michigan topping the ranking. Maine is
Grant to pay for street repaving in South Haven industrial area

The Van Buren County Road Commission has been awarded a state grant to resurface Kalamazoo Street in South Haven from Blue Star Highway north to the South Haven city limit. Road Commission Managing Director Bret Witkowski tells