Hagar Township seeking to limit marijuana businesses


The Hagar Township Board of Trustees is working on an ordinance to govern marijuana dispensaries in case they ever come to the community. Township Supervisor Izzy DiMaggio tells us the ordinance is intended to ensure marijuana businesses

Berrien County Parks Dept seeks input for five year plan

BC Parks logo

Berrien County Parks and Recreation officials are seeking public input on the development of the 2025-2029 Berrien County Parks Five Year Plan.  The plan will cover Rocky Gap, Silver Beach, Love Creek, Madeline Bertrand, Historic Courthouse Square,

SBAM launches certification for veteran-owned small businesses

SBAM logo

 The Small Business Association of Michigan today announced a new certification tailored to assist veteran-owned and service-disabled veteran small businesses. In partnership with the National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC), this certification aims to boost the visibility,