Hagar Township seeking to address beach erosion

Officials in Hagar Township are working to address erosion along the shore of Lake Michigan at Hagar Park. Township Supervisor Izzy DiMaggio tells us Hagar Park is the community’s most popular attraction, and yet they’re losing part
LMC, Chamber to hold ‘Soft Skills Boot Camp’

Lake Michigan College and the Southwest Michigan Regional Chamber are teaming up for a boot camp. That is, they’re offering a Professional and Soft Skills Bootcamp next month. LMC Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing, and Government Relations
Lincoln Township Trustees vote to hire new manager

Lincoln Township has found its first township manager. The Lincoln Township Board of Trustees met this week and voted to hire Ralph Bansen to serve in the role, effective October 1. Bansen is a lieutenant with the
The Matriarch of Kilwin’s St. Joseph, Janet Dykstra, has passed away

One of downtown St. Joseph’s best known and best loved business leaders and boosters has died. Janet Dykstra, the longtime co-owner of Kilwin’s Ice Cream Shop passed away, as we learned in a post from her friends
Health Department warns about bat bites, rabies

The Berrien County Health Department is advising everyone to watch out for bats. The department this month alone, it’s been made aware of a dozen bat bites or scratches on humans, raising concerns about rabies. Epidemiologist Sara
LMC outlines expanded ‘free tuition’ program for 21-24 year olds

There’s big news for ’20-somethings’ who want to go to Lake Michigan College but have been financially unable to make it happen. Michigan Reconnect, a tuition-free community college scholarship program that pays for students to attend community
Pancake Breakfast in South Haven Sunday from SH Area Emergency Services

It’s a Labor Day Sunday ritual in South Haven! The Pancake Breakfast fund-raiser for South Haven Area Emergency Services. Here are the details to help get your appetite ready! South Haven Area Emergency Services (SHAES) will sponsor
United Federal opens office, greatly expands presence in Battle Creek market

United Federal Credit Union is expanding its footprint in South Central Michigan. United opened a new branch in Battle Creek and celebrated the official ribbon cutting this week. United is headquartered and was founded in St. Joseph
I & M crews making progress on restoring power in South Berrien County storm area

Last night’s severe weather was almost totally concentrated in the area South of US Highway 12, along the Southern edge of Berrien County from New Buffalo East through Buchanan. There was heavey damage to electrical distribution systems
St. Joseph Commissioners consider posting meeting videos online

Coming soon to the internet near you will be St. Joseph City Commission meetings. Speaking to colleagues this week, Commissioner Michael Fernandez said with the city commission chambers all outfitted with the latest and greatest audio and
New High School Football Pregame Show Spotlights Historic Rivalries, Competitive Match-ups, Kicks off Friday for Niles @ SJ

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if ‘College Game Day’ came to a high school football game? A couple of area television producers did just that! And they came up with a locally