Summit on Ox Creek efforts tomorrow


Representatives of federal, state, and local government will be on hand Wednesday at Lake Michigan College for a summit on Ox Creek. Southwest Michigan Planning Commission Deputy Director Marcy Hamilton tells us efforts to revitalize the creek

Harbor dredging begins Thursday in St. Joseph


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin dredging the St. Joseph Harbor this week. The corps says it will dredge 29,500 cubic yards of shoaling near the entrance to the harbor starting Thursday and finish up

Hiking Michigan to advocate for veteran mental health


Travis Snyder is a Marine Corps veteran who served in Afghanistan and this week he’s walking the length of the state of Michigan to raise awareness about veteran suicide. According to the U.S. Veterans Administration, in 2020,

Brandywine automotive program restores ASE accreditation


The Brandywine Community Schools automotive program has received ASE training accreditation by the ASE Education Foundation. The program was previously accredited, but lost that status during the pandemic. Accreditation is required by the state to teach the

BH committee members talk enforcement of park hours


The city of Benton Harbor should make sure the operating hours of its parks are posted at each of them to help reduce littering and other damage to the facilities. So says City Commissioner Duane Seats, the